Privacy Policy

Privacy and security are our top priorities here at, the following text outlines where we stand in regards to your data and privacy

Personal Information

Necessities such as credit card numbers, billing information and legal name are a thing of the past on a Bitcoin standard, and, as a matter of fact we encourage the use of an alias or a fake name here at If you are worried about your physical address, a PO box with mail forwarding may be a consideration. Encrypted email is a good idea to include in personal OpSec as well. 

So, when placing an order, we don’t need a credit card, billing address or your legal name. However, we do need a physical address to send the products to, and we need an email which can receive the conformation, order number, and tracking number. 

Anything we do collect will be deleted 45 days after the order date, or 35 days after the conformation of delivery


Yes, we use cookies so that the site remembers shopping cart items. Also we use cookies to gather general site performance.

We never sell or trade personal information to third parties.

Email Campaigns and Spam

We don’t do any email marketing.

Affiliate Links

We will do our best at limiting association between our customers and affiliate sites such as Amazon. Hopefully as our business model evolves we will be able to stock and ship all products from on site to add an additional layer of privacy. In the mean time affiliate products are the same price whether you use the link or not, this will come down to individual preference.

Blockchain Traceability

Cheap burner phones as well as De-Googled phones, used in conjunction with a wallet such as Phoenix Wallet are a great way to mix things up. The recommended Phoenix Wallet also works flawlessly on most devices, and seamlessly supports both the Lightning Network and On-Chain payments. Remember that privacy is not illegal.